Hacker Spaces

BattleWirelessMesh2009 – April 11-12 @ TmpLab – Sponsors Update

SPONSORS updates

The TmpLab is pleased to announce the support of two first sponsors for the BattleWirelessMesh to help this event to be the one occasion a have a real case mesh test-bed.

  • Wireless-fr (http://wireless-fr.org)  will be providing 8 nodes (Buffalo)
  • FON (http://fon.com) will be providing 25 nodes (WRT54G)

We are still looking for more supports from the community and from the vendors to complete our architecture.


Already developers from BATMAN, BABEL and OpenWrt are scheduled to be part of the event to optimize their packages and BSP to improve the results of the contest.

The TmpLab is scheduling an OpenWrt workshop on Sat, April 4 @ /tmp/lab which will be the occasion to prepare and speak about the network constraints and infrastructure to build.

Each protocol team should be preparing a ready-to-flash built image to prepare the event.

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