Working with Quasar (Vue.js based) is a bliss for Web UI / SPA / etc… development. Especially is you use Vite, for the speed of site build. I highly recommend it. Now vercel makes it super easy to host and test your app online. Here is a little problem I encountered, so I’m sharing (so that the monster Internet search engines that swallow everything can index this little helper blog

/tmp/ham Episode 1: Raspberry Pi, weak signals (WSPR) and filters
There’s something very nice with Raspberry Pi (RPi) is that you can use it’s GPIO output capability and somewhat precise clock to generate radio signals, especially weak signals radio signals (WSPR). These weak signals can travel thousands of kilometers and be received by foreign stations across the ocean. (No we’re not talking about receiving these radio signals with RTL-SDR, even though it’s nice too). HAM License prerequisite… is not so

33C3 : Works for me
Each year with winter comes the Chaos Computer Congress in Hamburg. 2016 edition : 27-30 dec. Survival guide for this 33rd edition : Program Streams and Recording Wiki ” Works for me” Like no other, the year 2016 pointed out how well „works for me“ works for us. It does not. Mutual hate, envy, insensibility and exclusion have driven us apart. Feeling isolated and threatened, we turn further against each

It was fun. Conferences torrents are here. Consumers can watch them on youtube or

A new Performance of the Orchestre Philharmonique du /tmp/lab
For this new iteration the ensemble used a lot of live coding platforms, already used and new ones. puredata ibniz minuit matlab supercollider snoffer frequensea Each player displayed its work space using a video projector, making the performance a great audio & video moment. Some “non-kosher” instruments -namely a korg electribe and an maudio keyboard- infiltrated the team, but they were allowed to given techno fanatism is bad 🙂 Please

We cannot confirm nor deny such activities may or may not have occured.

Poor coverage of NSA tech affair shows lame skills of high profile french newspapers
It is very interesting to see how poor the coverage of NSA tech affair displays the lame skills of high profile french newspapers such as LeMonde and L’Express. It is very telling to see the kind of error these publication do. A few examples: Le Monde … récupérer les rapports d’erreur envoyés par **l’opérateur de système** Windows aux ingénieurs de Microsoft … In this case, poor translation of Operating System
minitel DEATH party – saturday 30th, June 2012 /// Samedi 30 Juin
minitel DEATH party ! Today, Minitel dies. Good bye x25, good bye PAVI, good bye 1200/75, good bye NUI, good bye 3613, 3614 and 3605, good bye V23. So to celebrate that in due form, based on numerous and precious requests from the best and loved ones, let’s have a paaaarty! We will investigate the old technology, discuss its fun and its security and insecurity, have some tests and
THSF was awesome
The Tetalab in Toulouse is a great producer of excellence. Once again they rocked by organizing an amazing event. Fantastic place in Mix’art Myrys, Toulouse. Cool talks and round tables. Plenty of concerts and events. And the workshops from BGP configuration by Tetaneutral, DIY sextoys, Usinette, Congratulations to the team!

Physical Computing Workshop: Arduino Introduction
français ci-dessous. A physical computing introduction will be presented by Metakinetik for the tmplab meeting at la Gaîté Lyrique, Thursday March 17th. Artist-technician Jason Cook will present basic examples using the Arduino environment and prototyping boards. Examples will include “hello world,” analog light and motor control using PWM, and use of analog sensors. Examples of artists and technicians currently working with the Arduino technology will be discussed. Where and how
Critical Art Ensemble
Critical Art Ensemble has released all its books freely on their website. CAE is one of the most important art+hack+bio group. Their books are really worth the time reading them. Enjoy!
So, Why is WikiLeaks a Good Thing Again?
Wikileaks is changed our world in just a few month of actions. Now the foreign affairs have to think in a new way: democracy have “crept in” their protected sphere and they cannot do anymore what they were accustomed to do in total impunity. Thus, Wikileaks brings in a new general international policy of responsibility of embassies and foreign affairs to engage only in actions that they could justify in
Fábrica de Inventos, new hackerspace in Buenos Aires, Argentina
A new hackerspace is born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our friends there opened “Fábrica de Inventos” yesterday. They are looking for a more definitive space theree (hint, help them if you’re there) but already they’re up and kicking, organizing a Open Security fair with workshops and activities. We wish them great success and hope to visit soon, maybe for the next ekoparty conference?. link: Fábrica de Inventos.
PHSF 2010 !!
Call for proposals : /tmp/lab annonces the Hacker Space Festival 2010 !! Plastic Hacker Space Festival 29-31 October 2010 /tmp/lab 6Bis rue Leon Geffroy 94400 Vitry sur Seine Fablab, amazing DIY world, new gender studies,… All the ways to realize all your phantasms… Plastic, electronic, flesh to make almost everything. Suggestions : – Change your way to consume, make your own objects: * Daily useful objects. * Repair and fix
Final Cut Express, crashes with AVCHD & little MacOS X walkthrough
Update: whereas Fincal Cut Express keeps on crashing, it looks like Blender (free open source software) is managing AVCHD files (MTS or else) natively and cleanly. The alternative is there and obviously better than FCE. Time to switch back to open & free. We mostly use FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) for a reason. But very often, some support for a format forces us to use non-free software, and