Chaque fin d’année apporte avec elle son lot de fêtes, la principale étant bien sur Noël^Wle Nouvel An^W^WChaos Communication Congress. Respectant la tradition, le /tmp/lab y sera, et fort bien accompagné car depuis l’an dernier, d’autres hackerspaces se sont montés sur Paris. Une page est donc apparue dans le wiki afin de préparer l’expédition parisienne au coeur des étendues hostiles et glacées de la Teutonnie. Gageons que le passage de
HostileWRT presented at
This week, HostileWRT is going to be presented during in Luxembourg. Eugene Parkinson and Philippe Langlois will be presenting on Thursday 29.10.2009 their new development on their “Fully-Automated Wireless Security Audit Platform on Embedded Hardware” and will release HostileWRT version 0.5.0 for the conference.
Atelier “Logiciel embarqué sur Milkymist”
Description Ceci n’est pas un workshop FPGA. Cet atelier présente des techniques de base utilisées pour la plupart des développements logiciels “bas niveau” sur systèmes embarqués, toutes plate-formes confondues (microcontrôleurs, system-on-chips [un system-on-chip n’est rien autre qu’un “gros” microcontrôleur], calculatrices, cadres photo, …). Il présentera ensuite des aspects spécifiques au system-on-chip libre Milkymist tels que la programmation graphique et l’emploi de ses accélérateurs de calcul. Les points suivants seront abordés:
Looking for multimedia artists
We are looking for multimedia (mostly graphics) artists for a democompo project. You do not need to have an expert level in programming to participate (if your only contribution is good looking bitmap images, that’s already a lot!), even though a little background is advisable if you want to do animated thingies or some rendered effects (we could help you however). This mini-project consists in developing a compo on the
FPGA Workshop 4: Behind the Scenes (November 8)
DESCRIPTION In the previous workshops, we have seen that FPGAs can emulate any logic circuit without moving (mechanical) parts. FPGAs are however not magic nor mystical devices and this workshop will shed light on how they work internally. After theoretical explanations on their functioning, we will program them very close to the “bare silicon” by configuring manually each logic element on the chip, without any Verilog or schematics. This will
Security: do avatars dream of digital sheep?
There will be a round table during the first instance of Open World Forum in Paris with one of /tmp/lab member (Philippe Langlois) on Thursday 1st of October 2009. The theme of the roundtable is “Internet 3: new era of freedom, or a totalitarian nightmare? Virtual worlds and multiple identities: are we heading for digital schizophrenia? Data protection, individual liberties and a private life, traceability… What are the technological implications?
Abbenay Hackerspace – Call for Support
The Abbenay hacklab [1] opened early this month in Stockholm [2], where a housing crisis is at full blow. We are set up in a place that was squatted downtown by Kommando Carl Bildt since late August, called AK4. The house was empty since June, and there was no plans to use it until one year and a half. Unfortunately, squats are very unusual in Sweden, and the discussions with
Sanobot data for the first half of September
The CSV data from Sanobot for the first half of September is now available here: sanobot_half_sept.csv. Sanobot is the toxic gas sensor and Twitter bot of /tmp/lab. The first column of the CSV gives the Unix time at which the measurement was taken. The other two columns are the ADC output for respectively the TGS2602 and the TGS2600. For information about how to interpret the data, see here: and
Distributed SAT Solver Cryptanalysis went great!
Mate Soos gave us a great workshop on SAT Solver Cryptanalysis and his project about Distributed SAT Solving. As soon as I’m back from ekoparty (Buenos Aires, Argentina), I will try what he posted on the /tmp/lab mailing list. In the meantime, life is blooming in Paris with now 5 hacker spaces starting or alive and kicking! 🙂 (La Suite Logique :, La porte logique, Free Fermentology Foundation :
Pollution sensors experiments
We have started experimenting with the air pollution sensors. First setup: The Figaro gas sensors mounted on a piece of Veroboard: View of the big scary Arduino used to plot the first graphs. 1min/div. Looks like it’s working as both smell (from the chemical factory) and measured voltage go up during the third minute: More to come soon!
Stages au /tmp/lab – internships
Vous voulez avoir un stage intéressant? Travailler sur de l’Open Source? Ne pas bosser pour des prunes pour Google? Bosser avec des gens venant d’horizon variés et possédant une vraie passion et une vraie expertise technique (wow, ca commence a ressembler a une pauvre annonce de RH toute naze 😉 hehe), eh bien maintenant c’est possible car on ouvre les stages au /tmp/lab. Contactez nous si ca vous interesse. Want
Toxic Gas Sensors
Those of you who have been to the /tmp/lab may have experienced the delicate smells of the nearby chemical factory. We want to learn more about this pollution, so we will implement an automated measurement system. To monitor the air concentration of pollutants, we use cheap sensors made by a company called Figaro. The models used are TGS2600 and TGS2602; the same are used by the FridaV project. The TGS2600
FPGA Workshop #3: Computer Architecture, August 29th
Computer architecture is the science and art of selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create computers that meet functional, performance and cost goals (Wikipedia). With the invasion of digital devices during the last decade (cellphones, wireless routers, digital TV…), it has become more than ever ubiquitous. However, it is still a poorly known subject for most people. Even among the self-proclaimed hardware hacking community, most fanatics of the Arduino development
Distributed Crypto SAT Solving workshop, Sept 10th
In this workshop led by Mate Soos (PhD in INRIA Rhone-Alpes) we will take a distributed SAT solver design that works similar to SETI@Home and hack it until it works faster, gives better results. The results will be public and the solver downloadable, along with the server to enable anyone to crack much-hyped but useless crypto-systems using collaborative effort. SAT solvers are mathematical tools that solve problems given in the
Hacker Space Fest in full blast…
HSF 2009 is going on, with great meetings and presentations. That’s a pleasure to see such a forum taking place with that many talented & energy giving people. You can check the photos & videos on the HSF 2009 ( website.