l’équipe usinette.org viendra bricoler à la Gaîté Lyrique avec la bande du /tmp/lab ! Cette invitation à la Gaîté Lyrique est effectivement une opportunité pour nous de rencontrer des gens différents ou moins mobiles, en plein coeur de Paris. le /tmp/lab vous accueille tous les jeudis à partir de 19h : à la Gaîté Lyrique, 3 bis rue Papin 75003 Paris Métro : Réaumur – Sébastopol

Physical Computing Workshop: Arduino Introduction
français ci-dessous. A physical computing introduction will be presented by Metakinetik for the tmplab meeting at la Gaîté Lyrique, Thursday March 17th. Artist-technician Jason Cook will present basic examples using the Arduino environment and prototyping boards. Examples will include “hello world,” analog light and motor control using PWM, and use of analog sensors. Examples of artists and technicians currently working with the Arduino technology will be discussed. Where and how
Critical Art Ensemble
Critical Art Ensemble has released all its books freely on their website. CAE is one of the most important art+hack+bio group. Their books are really worth the time reading them. Enjoy!
So, Why is WikiLeaks a Good Thing Again?
Wikileaks is changed our world in just a few month of actions. Now the foreign affairs have to think in a new way: democracy have “crept in” their protected sphere and they cannot do anymore what they were accustomed to do in total impunity. Thus, Wikileaks brings in a new general international policy of responsibility of embassies and foreign affairs to engage only in actions that they could justify in
Fábrica de Inventos, new hackerspace in Buenos Aires, Argentina
A new hackerspace is born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our friends there opened “Fábrica de Inventos” yesterday. They are looking for a more definitive space theree (hint, help them if you’re there) but already they’re up and kicking, organizing a Open Security fair with workshops and activities. We wish them great success and hope to visit soon, maybe for the next ekoparty conference?. link: Fábrica de Inventos.
Plastic Hacker Space Festival is coming!
Lectures / workshops / Concerts / performances : all the schedule : http://www.hackerspace.net/schedule P.A.F : 5 euros for evening 10 euros for all day 15 euros for the week-end Friday evening is free !
Packet crafting toolkits in Ruby
After a quick browse of packet crafting libraries in Ruby, I got to see the following situation that might interest anyone who would like to craft and send packets in Ruby. Python pioneered the field mainly with excellent Philippe Biondi’s scapy that got so much press and attention. Now, with Metasploit and various other tools being developped in Ruby, we have more and more reasons to focus on Ruby for
PHSF 2010 !!
Call for proposals : /tmp/lab annonces the Hacker Space Festival 2010 !! Plastic Hacker Space Festival 29-31 October 2010 /tmp/lab 6Bis rue Leon Geffroy 94400 Vitry sur Seine Fablab, amazing DIY world, new gender studies,… All the ways to realize all your phantasms… Plastic, electronic, flesh to make almost everything. Suggestions : – Change your way to consume, make your own objects: * Daily useful objects. * Repair and fix
PHSF 2010!!
Plastic Hacker Space Festival 2010 29-31 Octobre 2010 /tmp/lab 6Bis rue Leon Geffroy 94400 Vitry sur Seine http://www.tmplab.org/contact/ Usinette, Fablab, RepRap, transidentités et transpalettes : l’univers du D.I.Y croise, pour cette nouvelle édition trans-disciplinaire, les univers variés de l’autogestion, de la post-pornographie et des séxualités plurielles, des questions de genre, de l’architecture, de l’environnement,…, et sème le trouble au cœur de nos habitudes en reposant la question de nos désirs.
Final Cut Express, crashes with AVCHD & little MacOS X walkthrough
Update: whereas Fincal Cut Express keeps on crashing, it looks like Blender (free open source software) is managing AVCHD files (MTS or else) natively and cleanly. The alternative is there and obviously better than FCE. Time to switch back to open & free. We mostly use FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) for a reason. But very often, some support for a format forces us to use non-free software, and
Workshop Réalisation de patches Milkymist, 19 août 19:45@/tmp/lab
Video Jam Session sur plate-forme Milkymist One! CE QUE C’EST Une introduction au système de synthèse de visuels sur [http://www.milkymist.org Milkymist] (venez à l’heure pour ne pas manquer la présentation) L’écriture de vos propre patches L’occasion de jeter un oeil aux premiers prototypes… …et de les utiliser pour tester vos propre patches! L’occasion d’une soirée sympa, même si vous venez en “spectateur” 😉 CE QUE CE N’EST PAS Un workshop
Première visite de l’Electrolab
L’Electrolab (http://www.electrolab.fr) est un hacker space en cours de création dans la zone industrielle de Nanterre. Ce nouveau hack-lab sera, comme son nom l’indique, dédié aux projets ayant une forte connotation électronique et / ou mécanique. Installé dans les sous-sols d’une des entreprises de la zone, à 5 minutes à pieds de la gare de Nanterre Ville, il prévoit d’accueillir dans ses 200 m² utilisables, tous les outils et matériaux