FPGA Workshop 4: Behind the Scenes
From Tmplab
- Titre: FPGA Workshop 4: Behind the Scenes
- Par: lekernel
- Date: Sunday November 7th 2009
- Lieu: /tmp/lab
We don't need no stinkin' synthesizer!
In the previous workshops, we have seen that FPGAs can emulate any logic circuit.
FPGAs are however not magic nor mystical devices and this workshop will shed light on how they work internally. After theoretical explanations on their functioning, we will program them very close to the "bare silicon" by configuring manually each logic element on the chip, without any Verilog or schematics.
This will give you a better understanding of the challenges involved with writing open source programming tools, reverse engineering existing FPGA designs, injecting backdoors into FPGA bitstreams, and squeezing the most performance out of an FPGA chip.
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