Brain Computer Interface

From Tmplab

/tmp/bci (aka Neurohack)

A /tmp/lab project in Science/Education, Art and human interfaces fields.

Neurohack has now a dedicated website


NEXT WORKSHOP : January 2012 in Paris



  • Neurosciences : Creation of dedicated software for brain functionnal imaging : near infra red spectroscopy and EEG with stimulus control and machine learning.
  • Neurosciences : Design and run experiences with a built in paradigm manager with speech synthesis.
  • Education : Already 2 (in Paris) and 1 (in London) Workshop "ON/OFF", talked about basic functional brain, bci concepts and offered hands on possibilities.
  • Large sets of brain generated data are available in CSV file format, be creative !

Current steps are : Experimental protocols and results statistic analysis to stronger assess different hardware reliability. We need some of your brain computing time to increase our test population. See contact below to Participate !

For more references on all used techniques (scientific background/bibliography selection) : see the /tmp/bci/starterkit.
For more information on machine learning see the subproject page: /tmp/bci/machine-learning.


Neurohack, as art group, offer music/video/real space live rendering and human performances based on brain activity. Neurohack may also help any art project in need. Different venues :


  • Help disable people.
  • BYOU : Bring Your Own Use : we love collaborative work, tell us your ideas !
  • Computer, robots,... command.


Jackson : Hub for brainwaves

The home-brewed EEG/FNIRS software is made in Rebol and called "Jackson". Several versions have been created for dedicated purposes, like jprocessing or jLIVE, a sequencer style live tool, available from 1 to zillion brains, for art performance, cooperative "construction" (graphics, sound, music, MIDI, DMX light control, command,...). The Rebol option was chosen for dead simple portability and to interface seamlessly local and Internet connexions.
Currently supported hardware is the Mindset, but any device connected to a standard port (serial, usb, ethernet,...) can be implemented.

Downloadable software are listed below. For a more about the flagship software : /tmp/bci/jackson.

Brainwave sounds

OpenEEG systems with Pure Data software. Follow this link


Basic Mind Music is a basic software that use Pure Data to produce music according to your attention. The notes are fixed for a non chaotic music style, but low attention will switch to low pitch. HIgh mental state will select an higher pitch. It's an octave switching instrument, 2 tracks are available online. See below for repository address.


The code for an installation in a french museum of contemporary art. jBMM is the musical part of jprocessing. See below for repository address.


Rebol has no OSC implementation a dead simple tcp to OSC relay was written in python.

The repository for all tmpbci software is tmpbci on github


Commercial ready-to-use BCI-kits

Real brainwaves centered current affordable commercial offers are either too simple (Mindset : ONE dry sensor) or required complex setup (Emotiv: several WET sensors).

NeuroSky Mindset

  • Single EEG dry sensor headset with audio
  • Ability to sample at 512Hz and access the raw signal or filtered FFT transform every second (waves: alpha, beta, delta, ...)
  • BSD license Python SDK that works under linux with serial access mapped to the bluetooth device:
  • Software for OSX and windows also available by headset manufacturer : Neurosky

EMOTIV : todo

DIY EEG headset

  • 2 OpenEEG sets were built (2 wet electrodes each).
  • Continuous raw data feed only that must be filtered and analyzed.
  • Follow this link

DIY Near Infra Red Spectroscopy headset

  • Designing a new acquisition device (efficient, easy to wear, affordable) using Near Infra Red Spectroscopy.
  • Prelimanary tests were done with a light fiber and spectrometer.
  • Joint developement with the book hackers from Editions Volumique
  • Electronic design, all details and wiki, follow tmpbci at Electrolab (french)


  • Improve OpenEEG solution by signal analysis.
  • Improve control by implementing Machine Learning.
  • Develop artistic collaboration i.e music composition and wide public use.
  • Continue bootstrapping people that need some experience in our knowledge area.

To join us or for questions, welcomed comments, ideas : tmpbci at gmail dot com
Neurohack meetings are following /tmp/lab meetings, every thursday 9pm+ at La gaite lyrique, Paris
twitter : tmpbci
Last wiki update : November 2011